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Efficient Empowerment | "Qingchong New Materials" Production Department Conducts Internal Training Activity on "Efficient Execution of Organizational Growth"

Date:2023-06-07 Visit:230

  On June 6, 2023, Zhongxu Education was invited to the production department of Hunan Qingchong New Materials Co., Ltd. to carry out an internal training activity on "Efficient Execution of Organizational Growth" to improve management efficiency, enhance employee execution and job efficiency. All management and grassroots employees of the company's production department participated in this training. This training session aims to help our employees better understand how to achieve efficient execution, thereby promoting the continuous development of the factory.

  The training lecturer of Zhongxu Education introduced the significance of efficient execution by enterprise employees, emphasized the importance of efficient execution for organizational success, and explained how to improve organizational execution ability by setting goals, optimizing processes, evaluating performance, training development, and encouraging innovation. For example, clear goals and plans can help employees better understand their roles and responsibilities, thereby improving collaboration and work efficiency. A good communication mechanism can ensure smooth information flow and make all members aware of what they need to do and when they need to complete it.

  For enterprises, "results are the bottom line for survival", and the job of professional employees is to provide results. In terms of cognitive problems, attitude problems, and ability problems, as managers, they need to recognize the shortcomings and shortcomings of themselves and their subordinates in these three aspects, and then find corresponding solutions to solve the problems, with a result oriented approach to fundamentally improve their and employees' execution ability.

  Strategy+execution=outcome. As both managers and executors, we need to possess causal thinking, achieve unity of knowledge and action, turn goals into results, truly reflect execution in every task, continuously explore and innovate, develop together with the enterprise, and face future challenges with a new face.

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